Sunday, April 26, 2009

My First 10 Miler

Today I ran my first ever 10 miler. It felt Awesome! I am not going to lie. It was pure Hell at times but it feels Great to know that I can do it. I am running the Ogden Half Marathon on May 16. It will be my first and the training has been a bit*%! I have had so many issues it is Ridiculous. Everything that could go wrong has- Knee pain, heart racing way to fast, and a stress fracture in my ankle that put me down for 3 weeks of training. My orginal goal was to finish in under 2 hours but now it is just to finish. :) So as you can imagine finishing 10 miles felt like a huge victory.

View Interactive Map on

This is a map of my run. I became a member of It is a very cool training tool. I can import runs from my Garmin 305 and it maps it all out for me. LOVE IT!! The Garmin keeps track of my runs by GPS. It also tracks my heart rate, Calories burned, elevation, time, pace, EVERYTHING.

20 days left until the big day. Hopefully next Sunday I will make it 12 miles

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


6 days spent in Texas at my one and only sister Paige's house.


My self Portrait



