Wednesday, August 25, 2010

5th Grade Already?

So today was the first day of 5Th grade for Kennedy!!
The first days of school are always bitter sweet for me. I always get a little sad that time is going by so fast but Kennedy is always SO Excited to start.
5th Grade
I was going through some old pictures today (reminiscing) and I found all of her "first day of school" photos that I always take. I can't believe how much has changed and how fast she has grown up!


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

And then today 5th Grade

...super crazy how fast the years fly by!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Camping in Park City

Last weekend we went up to Park City to do a little camping.
Travis getting some wood.

Rylie finally likes the Binky!!

We went to the Olympic Park. It was Sooo Fun!
Travis and Kennedy on the Zip line

Me and Travis on the "Big" zip line. Loved it!! I was so scared I almost didn't go but I am so glad I did. It was a Blast!
Alpine Slide

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Snowbird and Raging Waters

Last Saturday we headed up to Snowbird ski resort to try out their summer activities. They have a huge gondola that take you up to the top, an Alpine slide, zip lines, a rope course, and some other fun stuff for kids. It would have been pretty awesome if we would have choose any other day besides Saturday. It was packed! We did the gondola ride first, awesome views from the top! It is so pretty up there.
On the way up!
The tram or gondola

Travis, Kennedy and Rylie. You can see the Salt Lake Valley behind them.
And the big storm headed our way!

Rylie trying to catch some Z's.

All of us.

Smiley Rylie

Kennedy and I on the rope course. It is about 20 feet off the ground. It was Way scarier than it looked like it was going to be!!

Me on the rope


Travis and Kennedy on the lift to the Alpine slide


Travis and Kennedy had to wait in line for 45 minutes to do the 2 min slide! We did not end up getting to do the zip lines. A little disappointing but they were moving so SLOW! Two people about every 10 minutes and there was a huge line. Then it started to rain and everything closed. All and all still a good day and I would go again in the middle of the week on a "sunny day".

Kennedy "Rocked" the climbing wall!
Made it to the top twice!

Then on Sunday Kennedy, Alyssa (Ken's Cousin) and I went to Raging Waters in Salt Lake.
Had a Fabulous time!! I love Raging Water's!!
I remember going here with my cousin at about the same age. It is so fun to be able to do the same with Kennedy.

Just jumped off the rope swing.

We had a Great weekend!