Monday, June 29, 2009

Kennedy's 9th Birthday

June 19th was Kennedy's 9th Birthday! I can't believe she is already 9:( The years have flown by so fast seems like just yesterday she was heading off to her first day of preschool.
Anyways, we had a Fun day. I was planning to make her breakfast in bed but she came down stairs when I was preparing it so I had to tell her and then she happily went back to bed.

Then we headed to the North Shore Pool for her friend party.

Playing the "Hangover" Present game.

A few years ago at one of Kennedy's parties her friend taught us this game- Everyone holds their present over her head and then we all sing
" Hangover, hangover, my poor head. What do you wish with a bonk on the head?"
Then the present give bonks her on the head and she guess what is inside. It is always a hit! :)

Then we finished off the day with the family BBQ and Party.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


So I finished my first Half Marathon on May 16th.

This is at about 5am before the race.

Almost to the finish line.

Me and Travis

Me and my parents, Brent and Linda

Me and Angie, my running buddy/Sister-in-law

It was really fun but it was also pretty hard. By the last stretch of the race I was totally out of steam. I turned the corner and saw the finish line and it looked SOOOO FAR away. But I made it. . .I finished. . .It felt Great!! My end time was 2:03. We are signing up for The Top of Utah Half in August and then next May we are going to try the full marathon. Right now 26.2 miles sounds like pure torture but hopefully after ALOT of training I will feel a little more confident . . .