Monday, June 29, 2009

Kennedy's 9th Birthday

June 19th was Kennedy's 9th Birthday! I can't believe she is already 9:( The years have flown by so fast seems like just yesterday she was heading off to her first day of preschool.
Anyways, we had a Fun day. I was planning to make her breakfast in bed but she came down stairs when I was preparing it so I had to tell her and then she happily went back to bed.

Then we headed to the North Shore Pool for her friend party.

Playing the "Hangover" Present game.

A few years ago at one of Kennedy's parties her friend taught us this game- Everyone holds their present over her head and then we all sing
" Hangover, hangover, my poor head. What do you wish with a bonk on the head?"
Then the present give bonks her on the head and she guess what is inside. It is always a hit! :)

Then we finished off the day with the family BBQ and Party.

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